Special Patient Populations
The core of our special patient population typically involves treatment of young children. These patients are many times unable to understand what they are experiencing, and many are unable to cooperative for sometimes lengthy and significant treatments. We strive to eleminate the trauma associated with dental procedures to eliminate the development of dental phobias and position them to continue future treatment without fear or bad memories of their prior dental experiences.
Depending on your child's health history, we may require a physical examination by your child's primary care physicianl; or we may request records from their hospital or specialist providers if applicable. This is to ensure that any child with special health needs is optimally healthy to develop the safest, most appropriate treatment plan for your child.
Special Needs
While we are able to treat many special needs patients successfully in the office environment, many special needs patients may be too medically complex for safe treatment in the office space. In order to ensure we have the most appropriate venue for treating our special needs population, we will require a recent physical examination by their primary care provider as well as submission of any specialist records or recent hospital admissions to determine their fitness for anesthesia in the office.
It is always our goal to treat everyone the way we would treat our own family members, and while we would love nothing more than treat every patient referred to us, we stress that any advice to treat in a higher acuity setting such as hospital or surgery center is made for their utmost safety.